Recent users of NØUK's JT65 EME page

The following users have been seen using this page during the past 30 minutes. Update time shown is when they last posted a message to the Ping Jockey Central page and is in GMT.
12 users recorded.
Last PostingLocatorCallsignkmsmilesBearing
19-Apr 22:07:14FM16tjNG4C
19-Apr 22:06:47JO94fkSP2WRH/4X11HV
19-Apr 16:54:50KP25axSM2BYC
19-Apr 16:27:37JN27sdF5AQX/4X8H/500
18-Apr 21:00:53JO89wwSM5CUI/60H/40V
15-Apr 10:32:29PM96drJR0HKT/2X14/300
14-Apr 13:01:23KO93bsUA3PTW
7-Apr 16:00:02EN70iuK9MRI
18-Mar 14:02:17CT1HIX
17-Mar 10:32:31IO74ajGI6ATZ/2X9H/1K
10-Mar 17:45:12DN06llK7KQA
9-Sep 08:36:49QN12mnJH8CMZ/4X9H/500
If the distance and bearing information above is blank, you will need to reenter your details using the Update Details page.

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