Recent users of NØUK's JT65 EME page
The following users have been seen using
this page during the past 30 minutes. Update time shown is
when they last posted a message to the Ping Jockey Central
page and is in GMT.
9 users recorded.
Last Posting | Locator | Callsign | kms | miles | Bearing |
18-Feb 09:45:06 | DM05ig | W6UC | | | |
16-Feb 23:04:57 | KO86hp | RK3FG/4X17/VH/K | | | |
16-Feb 06:32:02 | JO40cx | DF5DE | | | |
15-Feb 20:07:07 | KP25ax | SM2BYC | | | |
15-Feb 08:31:46 | DM09cm | N7XCZ | | | |
11-Feb 17:07:26 | KO93bs | UA3PTW | | | |
4-Feb 19:49:38 | EN60ni | N9FN/4X9H/1K | | | |
3-Jan 16:02:32 | JN45ob | I2FAK/16X19LLY/ | | | |
7-Aug 14:17:44 | KP22ti | OH6PX | | | |
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you will need to reenter your details using the
Update Details page.
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